by 2/04/2016 05:43:00 am 0 comments

Admin Virgil
       Now I know what you are thinking.. winter is coming to an end soon, but you are wrong. According to the multiple Korean youtube channels that I stalk.. watch, it has "Suddenly" become cold again so winter is still prevailing very strongly in Korea.

     Enough about the weather, that is not what you are here for- lets talk about Huh Gak's and Vromance's collaboration track "already Winter" which is a heart breaking song of love and parting ways... Really? I man I am not good with sad stories... I get all emotional and ..

   To tell you the truth, I was kinda expecting a heart breaking melody and it surely delivered it. The song is delicate and melodious... a simple heart break song that really succeeds in delivering its emotions.

  The music video was a roller coaster of emotions..

Who ever the two actors were, they acted perfectly, it was like we were all on a date with.. it was that real. And so when that horrendous climax kicked it, I was dead.. I just couldn't bear watching it..

   Too much drama, too much pain.... I loved it all. The music video is a must must must must watch.. I highly recommend it! The song is mellow and perfect for the season but there is nothing that is unique about it, that would set this apart. You should take a listen for it yourself.

    While you do that, I will go binge read on some heart breaking stuff and cry my eye balls out... or instead...

 and hunt out the guy that put the couple in such pain...



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