by 2/23/2016 08:36:00 am 0 comments

     KKKKKKIIIIIIYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Have you listened to Taemin’s first full length album? Well if you haven’t, then YOU are in luck for I am doing a review of it! ta-da! In this review I will try to give my honest opinion on how each song pans out in his first album, okay so no more monkeying around now.

      The baby of SHINEE who has so successfully shown the world that he is more than a babe now and is worthy to be seen as a man! Hahahaha Taemin dropped “Press it” his first album with a total of ten songs and here is a list of the songs:

01. Drip Drop
02. Press Your Number
03. Soldier
04. 벌써 (Already)
05. Guess Who
06. One By One
07. Mystery Lover
08. Sexuality  - (Oooh, HELLO! I am looking forward to hearing this)
09. 오늘까지만 (Until Today)
10. 최면 (Hypnosis)

      So let us get on with the review!

      The album begins with “Drip Drop” which I have already reviewed yesterday. If you haven’t seen that, you can read it here, or if you are someone who doesn’t want to do that, then here is a gist of that review- the song has mind-blowing musicality appeal and scores high on performance levels. An awesome way to kick-start the album!

      The second track is the title track of the album “Press your number” which is a song said to be produced by Bruno Mars. That is all I need to know. The song speaks of missing the girl’s presence to such an extent that Taemin loses a bit of himself. Throughout the song he asks for the girl to reach him in some way possible so that he can find some sense of peace in his life which has now turned to the worse.

      The music video is beyond real and has multiple references and meaning hidden in it. Not much sense can be made upon seeing it the first time but you understand what he is going for after watching it a mere 2 or 67 times (Heh!)

      But before I get there let us take time and appreciate the man Taemin has become..

Basically I think there are two possible stories to this music video, one story whre I think that Taemin is a twin- one Taemin is superficial, materialistic, rouge 

And a taemin who is more closed, meditative, reserved and alone..

      I think that is why Taemin calls out to the girl to press a number, yeah! He is asking her to choose between them perhaps… If that really were the case then the girl should ask if Taemin offers a buy-1-get-1 deal. (Hey my mama raised no fool)

      The next theory I have is Taemin and his alter ego coming in terms with the world that is falling apart around them. Or perhaps he has a spilt personality, this is something I lean more towards to because the Hair gel Taemin indulges in dangerous acts in while the bowl cut Taemin is confused as to why he is here, doing a certain act. Also I think because the girl left bowl cut Taemin he developed a alter ego in him, the hair gel Taemin who creats havoc in bids to fill up the void and angst that has built up in his heart. The hair gel Taemin tries his best to control the bowl cut and that creates some really nice visuals… which indicate that he is only inflicting self-harm.

          Also the video kept showing a lot of blue roses and so I did some researched (Not really, I just went to Wikipedia) and I found out that in some cultures, blue roses are often associated with "blue" royal blood, and therefore denote regal majesty and splendor. Due to the absence in nature of Blue roses they have come to symbolize mystery and longing to attain the impossible, with some cultures going so far as to say that the holder of a blue rose will have his wishes granted.

          Maybe that is why hair gel Taemin gets frustrated when he blows up cash over a box of blue flowers.. a box of unattainable if you will. 

Maybe hair gel Taemin is fighting a fight he wasn't supposed to be a part of since this could actually be between bowl cut Taemin and the girl.

All in all, I love the music video and the song! The two beautifully complement the other just like the two Taemin’s in the video.

      The third song is mellow and ballad. The song swoops you off your first right with the first beat. “Soldier” is Taemin’s classical song, so mellow and serious and with the building chorus lines, it is bound to move any listener. The song is more serious and dark then the two previous songs and placing such an emotional track like this here, is perfect! It caught me of-guard and made me fall even harder for his voice. I highly highly recommend that you listen to "Soldier" for it a favorite of mine. "I was born to be a soldier......"

     "Already" has elements of electro bass pop in it which is quite refreshing to hear. The song is much lighter to listen to and makes has a sweet melodic line to it. This is a kinda song that would have been a norm in 2009, not that it is any good now, it is nice to listen to songs that revisit old times melody, it gives a song that much more depth and meaning. "Already" is a mellow song that breaks down the tension that the three previous songs built up. 

     If anyone makes a song titled "Guess who", I will be like who you kidding I know it is you, cause YOU are the one singing it? you get me? well anyway, this isn't referring to the FunSchool game that me and my sis used to play. In fact, "Guess who" starts with some one screaming and already I know that this is horrific terror striking song. The chorus has a chanting like manner to it, that it reminds me of Zombie. The one good thing I like about this song is the small window of guitar solo which was cool... like ringtone worthy cool.

     Guitar rifts and tunes seem to flow on heavily in the next song. "One by One" is heartbeat racing song, with its easy flow and repetitive singing of "One by One". Quite frankly aside from the simplistic beats and the redundant chorus line, there is nothing that sets this song apart from the rest of the pack.
     Up nest we have "Mystery Lover". Now I just want to tell you that up until now, I have been loving the titles that they have been giving the songs, it is so mysterious and keeps me guessing and I love that. Just like that, when I read "Mystery Lover" , something inside me told me that this was going to be a stalker-like-haunting song. I WAS RIGHT! "Mystery Lover" could very well be my new favourite song right now. The melody is haunting and has a more Gothic undertone to it, okay maybe not an undertone but it is definitely there! If only it was a tad bit like Nightwish's songs, I would surrendered myself to Taeman. But nonetheless, this song is mesmerizing and with Taemin's voice rising and crooning, you feel you are being hypnotized by one of the greatest deceptive artists out there. Kudos to Taemin! and the song.

    aaaahhhhhhhhhhh.. "Sexuality". I was really curious as to what exactly Taemin would sing about in this. Mind you, part of me was a bit hesitant for I sometimes feel that Taemin exerts himself too much to show that he is a man now, that often times when I see him dance seductively, it looks slightly uncomfortable. Dancing is one thing, but to actually sing about "Sexuality", that is a big leap. When the song started playing, it had that olden days street fighter melody. The song merely borders on the topic (Whew!) but makes sure to keep it alluring and attractive and also adding a woman's subdued gasp every now and then... oh you really know your audience don't you. "Sometimes it is sweet, sometimes it is hard", that was what I heard and I had decided to play this song out loud just to see how my friends might react.. hahhahahah

    Alright, enough of the love of the night, now it is time for some sweet love of the day with "Until Today". The song is slow but moving, Taemin sings with such passion and by now, I have gotten so used to hearing him say "Baby", quite frankly it has been used a tad too many times in his songs. what do you think? let me know below. I love the English verses he sings in this song, it is crisp and audible. I applaud it!

   The last song in the album, (I can't believe it is almost over... T.T) which is a ballad infused melodic song "Hypnosis". This so-perfectly-tuned-ballad-that-it-can-make-be-an-OST-any-day song is swaying with feel good feelings and emotions. Taemin's voice is moving and powerful where it needs to be, sweet and feeble like when tension rises. 

  In short, this album shows what Taemin can do, which is practically everything. hahha. I love the way he sings and "Press It" though has a staggering amount of ten tracks, can only show a glimmer of what Taemin is, what he believes in and what he will be in the time to come and I hope to hear more songs from him that show this kind of growth, this kind of range in musicality and genre.

  What do you guys think? Which song do you like out of this entire album? let me know in the comments section below! and if you read this til the end, I am happy and love you for it! ^_^ bye bye!





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