by 3/25/2016 03:10:00 am 0 comments

Admin Virgil

      FINALLY! THE LORDS HAVE ANSWERED ME PRAYERS with a mini album from Eric Nam. This cutie-pa-tutie has been long overdue and now with five (Well technically four) new songs under his wings, my baby can fly…

      Eric Nam is a gentleman’s gentleman, he is so cute, I mean, he is so cute… and him coming out with a mini album literally after two years is like graduating from college for me!

      The mini album is titled “Interview” which is supposed to mean that Eric Nam is getting candid with us through his songs. The songs in this album are Interview, Good For You, Stop The Rain, No Comment and Good For You (International Ver.). Without further ado, let us get on with the song reviews.

      “Interview” is a chummy little love song where Eric Nam is trying to get to know the girl he just met. Possible case of love at first site, Eric Nam sings about how appealing the girl looks and croons as he asks the girl’s permission to ask her a few questions. How polite? I mean where can I find a man like this?. The song is sprinkled with “Girl” literally everywhere which gives the song a confessional pampering rhythm to it. “Interview” is a feel good love song that is refreshing to listen to and is a great start to the album.

      The music video for this song shows two people meeting for the first time and getting to know each other and slowly falling in love with one another as well. The popping colours and the smooth movement between scenes makes it look clean and effortless, as the music video tries to indulge in beautifully packing on the lyrics on screen. A refreshing music video accompanied by a refreshing song, double treats for everyone!

      If “Interview” was a song that was too sweet for you, then you haven’t listened to “Good for you”, yet. From asking the girl’s permission to get to know her, Eric Nam jumps ahead with confidence as he proudly sing that is the perfect man for his lady. The song leans more towards ballad style with its slow pace and simplistic rhythms. I really love this song.

      The music video for this song has a story about two people who feel that they are special to their significant other. This music video is one I like because I get to see a bit more of Eric Nam in this one. Who wouldn’t be happy, huh?

      The third track in this album is “Stop the Rain”… oh how I wish I could, but he has them sweet chocolate abs that I just can’t resist...

      The song actually talks about coming out with the pain and struggles and starting anew. The song speaks of positivity and is such a moving melody. This is actually one of my favourite songs in this album. “Stop the Rain” is a soulful melodious song that really brings out the best of Eric’s voice. I recommend this song to you all! When Eric Nam sings “I can take away the pain”, I believe him.

      The fourth song in the album is “No Comment” with is a mellowed down dramatic melody. The song draws from all the songs that came before it, but then again, most of the songs in this album build up on one another. This track is a beautiful piece to listen to and holds a good amount of tension and emotions. “No Comment” really pulls at your emotions and sways you with its tempo. Eric Nam seems to be topping himself with each succeeding song in this album as things keep getting complex and intense with each track. This song is another of the screams “perfection”.

      If it is already swoon worthy that Eric Nam sings… the fact that he sings in English only made me fall in love with his voice even more. “Good For You” in English is as good as the Korean version and I have to give props to Eric Nam for making sure that the song didn’t lose its essence while it is translated to another language.



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