
by 2/09/2016 02:29:00 am 0 comments

Admin Virgil

      Dugeun Dugeun or as the English speaker would say “Pit-a-pat” is a supposed onomatopoeia of the heart beat when you are around loved ones. This cute sounding word is the name of Yoo Seung Woo’s 3rd mini album!

Yu Seung Woo is a cutie himself! Hhehehehhehehehe

      The album has a total of five songs – “Whatever” ft Crucial Star, “45.7cm” ft OOHYO, “Twenty”, “You are beautiful” ft Louie and “Getting like u”. Lets get into it!

      “Whatever” is a simple and straightforward love song. I think this song is perfect for the season of love! ahhaha “Whatever” talks about cherishing the time you spend with your lady or lad love. It takes a laid back attitude to forgetting the feeling one feels… because since you are always with your significant other why bother about how you felt in the past? huh? Good point.

      The music video plays with my heart like a cat with a ball of yarn. ..

 It just rips my heart out with its climatic twist and abrupt ending.. Watch the music video if you can handle your feels, I couldn’t and nobody warned me… nyuh! Nyuh!

      “45.7 cm” is the most beautiful feel good melodic song in this album! I keep gravitating to this sweet song over and over again! So cute! This love song talks about the generic things that most love songs have- how you try to get your feelings through and all the conundrum with it.. OOHYO is an indie singer and I really recommend in that you listen to this song and especially to her.

      Continuing with guitar infused romantic antics is the third song “Twenty” but this song has a bluesier feel to it. A slow song accompanied by tickled piano keys, Yu Seung Woo’s voice is so soothing to listen to.

      “You are beautiful” is a song that I already did a review of I will link it here.. but if you don’t want to go there then I will just give you a gist. This love song talks about how everything is seen in a different light when you are love… Beautiful day, beautiful time, beautiful girl… get the drift? The Music video also had a twisted tragic end in it like the music video for “Whatever”

      “Getting like u” has that travel spirited tune to it and when Yu Seung Woo starts singing I suddenly got reminded of Roy Kim maybe that is just me…

The song is simple and romantic and talks about daily routines that take a different turn, or spiced up you could say, with love.. huh? Huh? The high notes that are in this song only makes Yu Seung Woo sound cuter to me.

      The album is simple and clean with melodies that you can’t get tired of.. seriously you can play this song over and over and over again.. especially when he hits the high notes

      Take a listen to the album and let me know what you think in the comments section below… 



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