by 3/18/2015 07:57:00 am 0 comments
Admin Virgil.

    Ever listened to songs on YouTube and read the comments to see that such and such a Drama brought them to that page? .....Not to mention that you too probably came across that page after seeing the very drama they are talking about..... *hehe*

              OST or Original SoundTrack are music tracks solely made for a particular drama or film. These OSTs add more feels to the drama as background scores and as the drama comes to an end, the OSTs lives on to haunt the minds of ardent fans.

               There are some cases where the OST of the drama is so powerful that the drama runs because of the OST. (okay, This might happen rarely, but I'm just saying!)

               So, in this segment I have decided to put together some of the OSTs that are too powerful to forget that by the time you finish listening to them, it would be like you just watched the entire drama all over again. And probably fell in love them all over again(?)


                   The Heirs had a good number of OSTs and some of them were standalone perfection. which is why it was difficult to choose just one. So my two all time favourite soundtrack in The Heirs are.......
Moments and Love is...! I absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Moments! no words!


                                     We already did a feature on this drama. But I still get excited when I listen to 'My Destiny'. This song literally flashes scenes of the drama in my mind when i listen to it.

               Maybe it is the repeated lines of 'You're the one, you're my love' or just her voice, but it literally makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Also, another all time favourite is 'Hello/Goodbye' by Hyorin of SISTAR!

  A HUGE FAN OF HYORIN! I just love her voice especially her mellowed-out-whispered 'Hello' always gets me...... the feels, if you know what i am saying.

   Well that's it for this segment! Is there an OST that you absolutely love and want to gush over? Then do so in the comments section below! 'til next time, Chingudeuls!



All we want to do is spread the love of k-pop, k- drama and all things korean. Here in SMK, we believe live is meant to be shared so if you love something let us know, Chinguduels!


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