by 1/25/2016 05:35:00 am 0 comments

Admin Virgil

(Doesn't my bae Neil looks fabulous in that haircut? and uhm! they way he turns...! somebody scream!)

If you weren't excited about TEENTOP, then might I just tell that everyone else was!???!

The much awaited stars of the kpop industry who stole hearts with their appearance and their skills, the boys of TEENTOP dropped seventh mini album 0 Red Point.

 “Red Point” is the group's mini album and it consists of six songs which are -“Warning Sign”, “Please, don`t go”, “Day”, “Liar”, “Day after Day”, “Don`t drink”

The album starts off with their title track “Warning Sign”. The song sings about a "dangerously deceptive lady" (a wickedy wink! heuheu!) who apparently attacks with no warning leaving the guys mad at her words and also wanting to break away from her. 

The song has an offbeat rhythm that kidda mimics a sleek retro melody. (I like that!) The song has a rising chorus which miraculously brings the song together.

The music video is shot in a gloomy atmosphere with swaying camera shots. The music video has some good visuals, yeah I will give them that! but don't you go around letting some woman touch my treasure cheat of baes! Gurl I am coming after you, huh!

But since I am pretty far away, I am going to put that video under my "For Research" files. Moving on! The choreography is not clearly visible, I couldn't make out what exactly they were doing so....... but they all looked cool, stylish and comfortable. Hey after all!, But hey most of the music videos are pure promotional gimmicks and are in fact eye-candy mother-loads. But I didn't want this to be one of that....

The second track takes a complete turn from the previous track. “Please, don’t go” is a ballad where the guys are asking the significant other to stay by their side. You know, to not leave them...

Although this song is signifying separation and it is supposed to be all tears and tissues everywhere, surprisingly this song has a brightened up and about tempo beats. Which for the love of Neil's lips, I do not understand. You do not like this girls because she is trouble but then you don't want her to go because you like her.... y'all been thinking women are indecisive, well lookie here!

Nonetheless, "Please Don't Go" has that confessional tone of the members that gives this song a magical feel. The song is mesmerizing.

Next up! DAY! “Day” starts off in breezy cold melody and accompanied by a trumpet, the song gains a three dimensional feel. SUCH FEELS! This song has such an underlining essence to it, I can't point it out to ya, but whatever that was, it is bound to tug at your heart strings. MORE FEELS!!!

 The song begins to slowly pick up its pace and reaches its pinnacle in the chorus. “Day” is song you are bound to hum along to whenever it plays. You better!

“Liar” is a more subtle song as it is slow in its pace. With a romantic guitar accompaniment and a hand clapping rhythm, the song is unfortunately underwhelming when compared to the other tracks. The song is slow and in some parts of the song, the vocals do not seem to adhere to the essence of the song. I really do not know how this song came about or maybe I just heard someone else's cover of the song, maybe, BUT this song is disappointing.

“Day after Day” brightens up the mood, thankfully, with their breezy melody and rhythm. The song speaks of longing for the lady, day after day. Now how adorable is that? HuH? longing for your loved one from your castles....romantic!

This song makes for an easy listen as the melody floats effortlessly from one tune to another. “Day after Day” is a such a croon worthy song because it builds up just some of the cutest images with its lyrics. SO KIYUTE!

The last song in the album is “Don’t drink”. With its quirky title, this song is bound to get anyone’s attention. right? eh? eh? heh?

“Don’t drink” is punctured by conversations between a couple and this adds a sense of realism to the song. The song voices out a concern of a typical boyfriend over the fact that he doesn’t appreciate that his girl goes out to drink, wears short skirts or has a number of male friends. The song is romantic to listen to as the members sing as though they are in a dilemma over the girl’s action. This song is a must listen and also a personal favourite... 

And that brings us to the end of this post! Until then,



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