by 9/03/2015 11:47:00 pm 0 comments
Admin Virgil.

            Don't you just hate it when you sent someone a text and they don't respond at all, like at all at all! especially when you are in the mood to actually talk, you know, like talk talk? at times like these I just want to break the phone down

              And that was exactly how I felt when I listened to the chorus of this song. I wanted to bash out everything. This song has been playing on repeat all day long here! JuB and Gummy, Slay!

            ha! the song is sad and deep which is exactly what the autumn season is all about - heart breaks! This harsh season is the perfect time for sad, departing songs. So listen to this song and cry a few tears!

           And the next time some one doesn't respond to your text, you know what to do.



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