by 7/02/2015 01:01:00 am 0 comments
from Ray of Light. <Vogue> July 'BigBang' cover pictorial

Admin Virgil.

Hey Chingudeuls! I was browsing online and I came across these photos of BigBang (need I say more?), I had to put them on our blog! so here they are;



                     The photos I have no words but what got me was the passage that accompanied these photos on the Vogue webpage. 

초여름이 시작될 무렵, 빅뱅의 다섯 멤버와 아름다운 소녀들이 여행을 떠났다. 낡은 픽업트럭에 몸을 싣고 찬란한 햇살이 빛나는 푸른 초원에서 보낸 멋진 하루. 3년 만에 돌아온 빅뱅의 음악이 처음으로 세상에 공개되던 바로 그날의 이야기다.
The translation was:
At the end of the summer begins, a beautiful girl and five members of Big Bang have traveled. The old pickup truck loaded with bodies glorious sun shining wonderful day spent in a blue meadow. Three million years of the Big Bang returned to music the story of the day just published the first release of the world.

What? How can summer end if it is just beginning? Where has Big Bang traveled to? And WHY ARE THEY CARRYING BODIES? The only thing that makes sense is ‘three millions years of the Big Bang returned to music’ cause that sums up how long I waited for Big Bang to make its comeback. Maybe the bodies refer to Big Bang slaying with their music. I don't know, you tell me, chingu.



All we want to do is spread the love of k-pop, k- drama and all things korean. Here in SMK, we believe live is meant to be shared so if you love something let us know, Chinguduels!


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